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Residency Program

Deadline : November 1, 2021
Submission period ended

Recherche_Web XR

Satellite, the virtual space of the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT], is happy to announce an open call for web VR residency to artists and creators in 2021-2022.

The residency consists of an artistic creation in the virtual spaces of Satellite. Artists from worldwide can apply and do the residency remotely. Mozilla Hubs is currently Satellite’s primary authoring platform, but the residency is open to creations on any other web VR platform. It is aimed at people interested in a multidisciplinary approach and with a strong motivation for Web XR experiences.

People wishing to carry out projects in the field of performance, sound art, visual art, and any combination of these fields are encouraged to propose projects related to the themes of Satellite, namely:

  • the design of immersive virtual social web experiences
  • virtual sound spatialization
  • the design of interactive virtual creative spaces
  • the design of hybrid experiences between the real and the virtual
  • the creation of virtual visual works
  • using open source software and creating accessible experiences

Projects in any development stage are welcomed, from first steps to pre-production. The submitted artworks have to be original and be able to evolve thanks to the residency.


Who is this call for?

The residency consists of an artistic creation in the virtual spaces of Satellite. Artists from worldwide can apply and do the residency remotely. Mozilla Hubs is currently Satellite’s primary authoring platform, but the residency is open to creations on any other web VR platform. It is aimed at people interested in a multidisciplinary approach and with a strong motivation for Web XR experiences.

People wishing to carry out projects in the field of performance, sound art, visual art, and any combination of these fields are encouraged to propose projects related to the themes of Satellite, namely:

  • The design of immersive virtual social web experiences
  • Virtual sound spatialization
  • The design of interactive virtual creative spaces
  • The design of hybrid experiences between the real and the virtual
  • The creation of virtual visual works
  • Using open source software and creating accessible experiences

Projects in any development stage are welcomed, from first steps to pre-production. The submitted artworks have to be original and be able to evolve thanks to the residency.


Each application must include:

  • A letter of intent clearly explaining the project and the link with the Satellite platform
  • A production schedule including the different stages (design, research and creation, production)
  • A budget, detailed to the best of your knowledge, which must present each of the stages of the project and the resources necessary for the creation
  • A portfolio demonstrating your ability to carry out the creative project

The SAT will conduct an assessment of your production plan and your creative budget.

Only the artists of the selected projects will be contacted.

What Satellite and the SAT offer:

  • A fee will be allocated to artists. The fee depends on each project, its complexity, SAT’s involvement, project calendar, etc.
  • Access to Satellite and SAT equipment, facilities and members depending on availability
  • Our support in the event of a request for additional financing

What Satellite and the SAT cannot offer:

  • We cannot offer accommodation
  • We cannot provide full time assistance. We expect applications from people who are sufficiently independent to be able to carry out their work. However, our staff are ready to help whenever possible
  • It is not always possible to accommodate more than one person. It will depend on the nature of the project and the collaboration

Calendar and stages of the residency:

  • Sept. 15, 2021: Opening of the call
  • Nov. 1st, 2021 : Closing of the call
  • Nov. 22, 2021: Announcement of the selection
  • Nov. 29, 2021 to Nov. 30, 2022: period during which the residency must take place

Selection criteria:

The selection committee will assess the applications according to the following criteria:

  • Originality of the artistic concept presented
  • Feasibility of the residency
  • Adequacy of the proposition based on Satellite’s themes
  • Autonomy of the artist regarding the main technical aspects of the project’s production

The SAT places at the heart of its values ​​the principles of inclusion and openness to all. We encourage talents and audiences from diverse backgrounds to invest our spaces and we make sure that everyone feels welcomed, accepted and free. We therefore invite people of cultural, ethnic, gender, physical and mental status to apply.

About Satellite

The Satellite hub is an immersive web platform that aims to promote various cultural contents and create synergy by interconnecting them. Experimental and innovative, this tool offers a new way of creating and / or disseminating virtual experiences. The Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) set up the Satellite project in 2020, in response to the health crisis, in order to support various cultural partners in Quebec. Satellite is a platform accessible from a web browser from a phone, tablet, computer or even a VR headset. An immersive place for meetings and exchanges, Satellite transposes us into virtual spaces where the social is at the center of the experience. Satellite is based on Mozilla Hubs, a free platform with a partnership and a large growing community.


This call is aimed at artists and artist collectives in the media arts, all disciplines combined, whose work is in line with our research perspectives, and aims to select the projects that will be hosted in residence by our teams from 2023.
Learn More


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our residency program for Haptic Floors.