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Deadline : April 4, 2023
Submission period ended



The Society for Arts and Technology launches its call for contributions for the Google Summer of Code.

For the second year in a row, SAT will be a mentor organization for the program. This initiative was created by Google and aims to introduce students and beginners to open source software development and more broadly to animation the community.

We encourage participation from students from communities under-represented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) fields. We aim at increasing the participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in software development (including but not limited to: women, LGBTQ+, underrepresented minorities, and people with disabilities).


The Society for Arts and Technology [SAT] is a non-profit organization recognized internationally for the development and creative use of immersive technologies, virtual reality and high-speed networks. Founded in 1996, its triple mission as a center for the arts, training and research, is to enable and host immersive multisensorial experiences.

Open-source tools created at and contributed to by the SAT include, grouped by theme:

  • Immersive renderingMirador (Facilitate the deployment of temporary immersive spaces)
  • InteractionLivePose (Tool for capturing human poses and movements in real time using computer vision)
  • Projection mappingSplash (Real time projection mapping engine), Calimiro (Tool for the calibration of immersive environment by structured light)
  • TelepresenceSatellite hub (Immersive 3D social web environment), Scenic (Interacting with Switcher through a graphical user interface), Switcher (Tool for creating collaborative experiences over the Internet)
  • Audio spatializationAudiodice (Populate the physical space with sound sources), SATIE (Audio spatialization engine for dense live audio scenes), vaRays (Real time calculation of impulse responses for a virtual environment)
  • Glue and inter-operabilityshmdata (Zero-copy transmission between software on the same computer), libmapper (a library for mapping signals), Puara (framework for building and deploy new media installations and New Interfaces for Music Expression (NIME))
  • Authoring of multisensorial multimedia immersionsblenderOSSIA score, webmapper


February 22 to April 4: Discussions

Potential contributors to GSoC should first discuss project ideas with the mentoring organization.

To discuss project ideas with SAT, please:

We will then discuss together with you contributors so that we can agree on project ideas and lead you to submit your proposal as part of next step.

Meet in our Matrix channel our GSoC team, including organization managers, project managers and mentors:
Christian Frisson, Edu Meneses, Emmanuel Durand, Francis Lecavalier, Guillaume Riou, Jean-Michaël Celerier, Joseph Malloch, Marcelo Wanderley, Michał Seta, Olivier Gauthier, Pia Baltazar, Suresh Krishna.

March 20 to April 4: Submission of contributions

To submit proposals to apply as student contributors with the SAT, please:

  • complete the previous step: discussing application ideas with the SAT
  • create a branch and start your proposal document following our instructions
  • open a merge request to our repository from your branch to receive feedback and suggestions

We will then work together with you contributors so that you can submit your proposal by applying on https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com as required by the GSoC program.

The deadline to submit a project if April 4.

May 4: Accepted GSoC contributor projects announced 

May 4 to 28: Community Bonding Period

GSoC contributors get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects.

May 29: Coding officially begins!

July 10 to 14: Phase 1 evaluations

Mentors and GSoC contributors can begin submitting Phase 1 evaluations.

July 14 to August 21: Work Period

GSoC contributors work on their project with guidance from mentors. 

August 21 to 28: Final week

GSoC contributors submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation (standard coding period).

August 28 to September 4: Final evaluations

Mentors submit final GSoC contributor evaluations (standard coding period).

September 5: Initial results

Initial results of Google Summer of Code 2023 announced.

November 6: Final results

Final date for all GSoC contributors to submit their final work product.

November 13: Final evaluations

Final date for mentors to submit evaluations for GSoC contributor projects with extended deadlines.


See the complete schedule on the GSoC website



Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this call for projects.

By phone


Would you like to offer one of our training courses in your organization? Are you looking for personalized training courses in digital arts? Our. team will work with you to provide a training program adapted to your needs, with individual or group lessons.