The residency is aimed at people interested in an interdisciplinary approach and a strong motivation for scientific thought, research and art. Projects at any stage of development are welcome, from early exploration to pre-production. We encourage exploratory research-creation, the targeted exploration of technological tools or creative techniques, the innovative or experimental use of existing or personalized tools, a critical look at current artistic practices imbued with technology.
The call for residency is open to people in the following areas of expertise:
All areas or combinations of the following areas:
Projects related to Metalab’s research interests:
Le comité de sélection évaluera les candidatures selon les critères suivants :
Comité de sélection :
The selection committee will assess the applications according to the following criteria:
Selection committee:
If need be, certain members of Metalab will be consulted about the feasibility of the residences.
Formed since 2002, Metalab is the research and development laboratory of the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT]. Metalab’s mission is twofold: to stimulate the emergence of innovative immersive experiences and to make their design accessible to artists and creators of immersion through an ecosystem of free software.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our residency programs.