Open Call for R&D Residency

Residency Program

Date limite : November 1, 2021
Submission period ended


The Metalab, research and development department of the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT] is pleased to announce this call for R&D project in residency intended for artists and creators in 2021-2022.

The residency is aimed at people interested in an interdisciplinary approach and a strong motivation for scientific thought, research and art. Projects at any stage of development are welcome, from early exploration to pre-production. We encourage exploratory research-creation, the targeted exploration of technological tools or creative techniques, the innovative or experimental use of existing or personalized tools, a critical look at current artistic practices imbued with technology.

General information

Who is this for?

The call for residency is open to people in the following areas of expertise:

  • living arts
  • science applied to the arts
  • collaborative art
  • digital art
  • 3d modeling
  • musical instruments
  • game design
  • spatialized sound, composition
  • virtual reality
  • scenography
  • robotics
  • artificial intelligence
  • video
  • field recording
  • digital instruments

What types of projects are expected?

All areas or combinations of the following areas:

  • Performance
  • Installation
  • Sound art
  • Visual art
  • Robotics
  • Machine learning
  • Development of tools for the production, distribution or conservation of art

Projects related to Metalab’s research interests:

  • design of an immersive group experience, including experimental games
  • social virtual reality
  • acoustics (capture, simulation, virtualization)
  • sound spatialization
  • interaction design
  • experiences mixing virtual places with physical multi-person places

What is expected of applications?

  • A project proposal that offers a new perspective on Metalab’s research interests and the uses of internal software and hardware.
  • The ability to work independently.
  • Enthusiasm for exchanging knowledge and ideas with the Metalab team and its collaborators.
  • A dissemination strategy for the project in residence. This will certainly depend on the stage of development of the project, and could include a weblog, a videolog, a publication in a conference or a newspaper, or any other means of preserving and making public the results of the project, as well as the role of Metalab in its development.
  • If applicable or if possible, a public presentation (concert, installation, etc.) presenting the result of the residency.
  • Willingness and ability to work at the SAT during (a certain length of time) of the residency.

What we offer:

  • Remuneration in the form of a residency grant
  • A desk for working in a shared office environment
  • Access to Metalab and SAT equipment and facilities
  • Support for video documentation of the residency’s work, with distribution to the SAT networks
  • Support in case of request for additional financing
  • Exchanges with competent and experienced staff members in various fields
  • Free access to Satosphere events
  • Opportunities to network or discuss with members of Montreal’s artistic or technological community

What Metalab and SAT cannot offer:

  • We cannot finance more than 70% of the project budget, contribution in material, content, etc. included
  • We cannot offer accommodation
  • We cannot provide full time support. We expect applications from people who are sufficiently independent to be able to carry out their work. However, our staff are generally ready to help whenever possible
  • It is not always possible to host more than one person, but it depends on the nature of the project and the collaboration
  • Residency does not necessarily have to result in a production and does not guarantee production or programming in SAT events

Calendar and stages of the residency

  • Sept. 20, 2021: opening of the call
  • Nov. 1st, 2021: call closed
  • Nov. 22, 2021: announcement of the selection
  • From Nov. 29, 2021 to Jul. 29, 2022: period during which the residency must take place

Critères de sélection :

Le comité de sélection évaluera les candidatures selon les critères suivants :

  • L’adéquation de la proposition avec les intérêts de recherche et l’écosystème logiciel du Metalab
  • L’originalité du ou des concepts artistiques présenté(s)
  • La faisabilité de la résidence
  • Le comité de sélection portera une attention particulière à la diversité parmi les candidatures et invite les femmes, les membres des minorités visibles et ethniques, les autochtones et les personnes handicapées à présenter leur candidature.

Comité de sélection :

  • Jenny Thibault (directrice générale et artistique)
  • Claire Martin (responsable des communications)
  • Dominic Paquin (directeur résidences & créations)
  • Emmanuel Durand (codirecteur de la recherche)
  • Nicolas Bouillot (codirecteur de la recherche)
  • Le cas échéant certains membres du Metalab seront consultés quant à la faisabilité des résidences

Selection criteria

The selection committee will assess the applications according to the following criteria:

  • The adequacy of the proposal with the research interests and the software ecosystem of Metalab
  • The originality of the artistic concept (s) presented
  • The feasibility of the residency
  • The selection committee will pay particular attention to the diversity among the nominations and invite women, members of visible and ethnic minorities, aboriginals and persons with disabilities to apply.
  • La SAT procédera à une évaluation de votre plan de production et de votre budget de création.
  • Seuls les artistes des projets retenus seront contactés.

Selection committee:

  • Jenny Thibault (general and artistic director)
  • Claire Martin (communications manager)
  • Dominic Paquin (director of residences & creations)
  • Emmanuel Durand (co-director of research)
  • Nicolas Bouillot (co-director of research)

If need be, certain members of Metalab will be consulted about the feasibility of the residences.

About the Metalab

Formed since 2002, Metalab is the research and development laboratory of the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT]. Metalab’s mission is twofold: to stimulate the emergence of innovative immersive experiences and to make their design accessible to artists and creators of immersion through an ecosystem of free software.




Open Call for Projects for our 2023 Residency Program!

This call is aimed at artists and artist collectives in the media arts, all disciplines combined, whose work is in line with our research perspectives, and aims to select the projects that will be hosted in residence by our teams from 2023.
Learn More

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our residency programs.